AUS.GIF (375 bytes)

This is where you will find Paul's Fractal Generator and:

Copyright © 2024 Paul de Leeuw Computers
ABN 72 360 822 562

Paul's Graphic Viewer is an inexpensive, high speed 32 and 64 bit Windows graphics viewing and processing program. It is designed for fast processing and contains many functions only found in far more expensive programs.

64 bit PGV is now available.

Paul's Graphics Viewer is capable of displaying the files in various sizes and variable aspect ratios (changed by dragging the corner of the image).

Arguments may be passed in to the program to allow linking with other programs or controlling from commands within batch files.

This is the currently supported version and is designed for Windows 2000, XP, Vista, Windows 7, 8 and 10.

PGV 64 bit:

Button PGV64 v6.00l was updated Saturday, 8th of July 2023

PGV works on 32 bit operating systems as well as 64 bit systems.

PGV 32 bit:

Button PGV v6.00l was updated Saturday, 8th of July 2023.

Click here for the change history of PGV

Features include:

Button Full 64 bit working
Button Drag n Drop implemented
Button Insert a Second Image
Button Generate MPEG files
Button Add text to image
Button Automatic Contrast
Button Create Collage Sheet
Button Create Animated GIF
Button Decompose Animated GIF
Button Multi-page TIFF
Button UNICODE filenames
Button Send file by email
Button Red eye reduction
Button Single instance working
Button Lossless JPEG Cropping
Button Arbitrary angle rotation
Button Lossless JPEG Transforms
Button Crop Aspect Ratio
Button Wheel Mouse control
Button ZAAP functionality
Button Digital Camera Info
Button Uninstall program
Button Preview screen
Button 16 levels of undo and redo
Button Write Image to Wallpaper
Button Thumbnails
Button Batch Processing
Button Fast load and exit
Button Image to Icon Converter
Button Controllable from a file list
Button SlideShow
Button ViewNextFile
Button Variable Zoom
Button GIF and Cursor Animation
Button Filters
Button Image Cropping
Button Image Rotation
Button Colour manipulation
Button Preview Screen
Button Screen Capture
Button Ongoing support
Button And much more


ZTreeWin plus PGV on CDROM for just USD $49.00!


Or BMT Micro for Credit Card Sales


Manpwin also uses Perturbation Theory and multi-threading for fast and deep zooming.


Latest Release MANPWIN v4.01h.
Full size is 3.8 MB.

32 bit version. Full size is 3.6 MB.

Released Tuesday, 9th of April 2024.

Manpwin is a free program based loosely on FRACTINT but is a full 32/64 bit program with true colour support. MANPWIN now offers direct creation of animated GIF and MPEG files. Several new fractals have been added.

Other Free Little Software Programs

These are cute little programs made just for fun.

Curve plotting software that includes derivative and integral.
Sudoku solving program. This includes both 9 by 9 and 16 by 16 puzzles.
Generate a few specific constants to any number of decimal places.

MMT Micro

Email me:
And the local time when you arrived was: AEST
Last Updated: Tuesday, 9th of April 2024

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Paul de Leeuw Computers

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